H5P naming and tagging guidelines

You need to make your resource easy to find.

The H5P search box only searches for titles, and not tags, so your title should be relevant. It also searches for words in order, so your name should follow the guidelines below. If you’re creating interactions for RLO, it also needs to show where the content will sit on the site.

When using tags, you need to follow the guidelines in this post and not create your own. This is to ensure that all similar content will be grouped together.

Naming conventions

For test activities:

Put the word “test” and a description of your activity of no more than 6 words long.

For RLO:

Put the name of the page the activity is/will be located on first, followed by a dash and a very brief description of the activity. The description should be no more than 6 words long.


H5P RLO name example

For other uses:

If applicable, put the name of the application you are using, a dash, and then where your resource will be located, followed by another dash. (E.g. Libguide – orientation – ). Then add a very brief description of no more than 6 words.

It might also be a good idea to add your initials to the end of the title if you are using a branch account.


H5P RLO other uses name example

Tagging conventions

You should have no more than 10 tags attached to your resource.
These tags should have two sections, a location and description.

The location involves a description of where you will find the activity and a TinyURL link to the actual page.

To create a tinyurl, copy the URL of the page your content is located on. Go to this site (http://tinyurl.com/), paste your copied URL into the box, and click on “make TinyURL”. Copy the TinyURL that comes out and use it as your link tag.

If you have several activities on the same page, re-use the same URL on each activity.

The description is where you can make up relevant tags about your resource.
We have provided a list at the end of this post that shows some tags you can use, as well as tags that are most commonly used.

For tests activities:

Add a [test] tag followed by some descriptive tags, if required.

For RLO:

The location is a little more detailed for RLO activities.

It should include an [RLO] tag, and separate tags for level 2-4 links to the information architecture (if applicable).

So for the “laboratory reports” page – which you get to through clicking on “Assignment samples” > “Science” > “Laboratory reports” – these would be the tags:

Level 2: [science]
Level 3: [laboratory-reports]

Next, you would turn the link to the page – https://www.monash.edu/rlo/assignment-samples/science/laboratory-reports – into a TinyURL.

And finally, you can add some descriptive tags – such as [aim], in the case of this particular activity on the “laboratory reports” page.

So, in the end, the tags should look similar to this:

[RLO] [science] [laboratory-reports] [http://tinyurl.com/grwtf2q] [aim]

H5P RLO naming and tagging example

For other uses:

The location (if applicable) should specify which platform the activity will sit on.

So, if it’s a libguide use the [libguide] tag, if it’s on Moodle use [Moodle], etc.

Next, transform the resource’s link into a TinyURL.

Then you can add some descriptive tags to better describe what your activity is. Faculty team is always a good tag to have.

So, for example, your tags could look like this:

[libguide] [http://tinyurl.com/zks8243] [orientation]

H5P RLO other uses naming and tagging example

List of tags to use

This is not an exhaustive list.
If you can’t find tags that cover your resource, you can create your own.

After creating the tags, contact lib-elearning-g@monash.edu and we will let you know if the tags are appropriate and/or if there are other tags you should use instead. If the tags can be used for multiple purposes, we will then add them to this list.

Program/location: [test] [rlo] [libguide] [Moodle]

Description: [research] [writing] [reading] [PICO] [PECOT] [ADA] [arts] [business] [economics] [education] [engineering] [IT] [law] [MNHS] [pharmacy] [pharmaceutical science] [science]  [orientation] [database] [exam] [study]